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Jeremy Powers
317-392-4191 ex. 1101
Dusty Neal
Assistant Director
317-392-4191 ex. 1102
Angie Stieneker
Student Services Coordinator
317-392-4191 ex. 1108
Sandy Hensley
317-392-4191 ex. 1104
Patty Elliott
Administrative Assistant
317-392-4191 ex. 1100
Pete Wethington
317-392-4191 ex. 1129
Tyler Smith
Adult Education Coordinator
317-392-4191 ex. 2002
Angela Chancy
Adult Education Intake Specialist
317-392-4191 ex. 2001
Ami Johns
Core Indicator Coordinator
Warren Bernstein
Culinary Arts Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1124
Justin Beyer
Fire & Rescue Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1118
Dalton Bousum
Welding Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1120
Dan Bramell
Construction Trades Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1117
Ty Branson
Auto Collision Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1111
Jim Cottongim
Auto Services Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1110
Adalynn Edwards
Human and Social Services Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1128
Cierra Harvey
Health Sciences Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1113
Jacob Kelley
Fire & Rescue Instructional Assistant
317-392-4191 ex. 1118
Jay Marks
Diesel Services Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1114
Tanya Popper-Abell
Health Sciences II Instructor
317-392-4191 ex. 1112