Criminal Justice
Course Description
Criminal Justice year one covers the purposes, functions, and history of the three primary parts of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. This course explores the interrelationships and responsibilities of these three primary elements of the criminal justice system. Students will analyze the research support for theories and perspectives and the connections between theory and criminal justice system practice. Examination of the American correctional system and the study of administration of local, state, and federal correctional agencies will be reviewed. The examination also includes the history and development of correctional policies and practices, criminal sentencing, jails, prisons, alternative sentencing, prisoner rights, rehabilitation, and community corrections including probation and parole.
In addition to six (6) high school credits a year, students can receive IvyTech Community College dual credits as well as Dispatch and Jailer certifications.
Year 2 information:
The Criminal Justice Capstone course allows students to complete additional instruction to earn a postsecondary certificate and should include a work-based learning component such as job shadowing, internship, etc. once the core content is completed. Note: there may be age restrictions on work-based learning components. Students who do return for a second year will have the opportunity to receive additional college credits, complete an Ivy Tech certificate and potentially complete a work-based learning experience.
The criminal justice program is open to all incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
Participation Organization

Dual Credit

Dual Credit coursework is available through Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana. Dual Credit Courses are subject to change each year as the Department of Education and the Commission for Higher Education set new standards.