Automotive Services

Course Description

Students in year one will receive three (1) hour courses in the areas of:

  • Principles of Automotive Services

  • Brake Systems

  • Steering & Suspensions

The first year of the Automotive Services program gives students an overview of the operating and general maintenance systems of the modern automobile. Students will be introduced to the safety and operation of equipment and tools used in the automotive industry. Students will study the maintenance and light repair of automotive systems. Also, this course gives students an overview of the electrical operating systems of the modern automobile. Students will be introduced to the safety and operation of equipment and tools used in the electrical diagnosis and repair in the automotive electrical industry. Students will study the fundamentals of electricity and automotive electronics. Students will receive classroom instruction followed by hands-on lab activities using mock-up units and live work each day.

In addition to six (6) high school credits a year, students can receive IvyTech Community College dual credits as well as Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certifications.

Year 2 information:

Students in year two, Automotive Service Capstone, further explores important skills and competencies within the Automotive Service Technology Pathway. Students will be exposed to an in-depth study of vehicle electrical systems. The course will cover the fundamentals of electricity and automotive electronics in various automotive systems. Students will understand other topics such as engine repair, climate control, and driveline service. Additionally, Co-Op and Internship opportunities will be available for students. Students who do return for a second year will have the opportunity to receive additional college credit, industry certifications, and an ITCC completion certificate. Capstone students could complete a work-based learning experience of 80 hours or more.

The automotive services program is open to all incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.


A middle-aged man with short hair and a mustache, wearing a dark blue work shirt with the name 'G. Gutmann' and a logo for 'Blue River Auto Tech.'

Jim Cottongim

Participation Organization

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Dual Credit Opportunity

IvyTech Logo

Dual Credit coursework is available through Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana.  Dual Credit Courses are subject to change each year as the Department of Education and the Commission for Higher Education set new standards.